May 20, 2024

PVM Magazine

Unlocking the Vault

Interview With Celebrity Luxury Hair Owner Brittany Brenea Murphy

Brittany Brenea Murphy, better known as Ms. Celebrity or Celebrity Brenea, is the daughter of Celebrity Stylist and makeup artist, Paris-The Dutchess of Beauty. She is also the owner of Celebrity Luxury Hair. After starting with just one bundle of hair, Brittany transformed that into a successful business.

Check out the interview with Brittany.

Tell us about yourself. What do you do, and where are you from?

Brittany: Brittany Brenea (Celebrity Brenea) Murphy. I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. I’m an Entrepreneur who started my first hair business–Celebrity Luxury Hair with $50 and one bundle of hair. I’m also a U.S. based wholesale hair vendor and business coach to people who are interested in selling hair or who are having trouble with their current hair business sales.

What’s it like being the daughter of a celebrity stylist and makeup artist?

Brittany: It is hard because I constantly have to prove myself to others that I can stand on my own work. People think I ride on my mother’s name, but honestly, I never have asked her to “put me on.” But other than that, it’s great, and I have been exposed to a lot of good things and places due to my mother’s success.

What motivated you to start doing hair at nine years old?

Brittany: So I wouldn’t be stuck in the salon all night with my mother while she worked. I knew if I started assisting her and helping, we could leave early, and I earned my own money. Plus, I just had a natural talent that others saw in me at an early age.

Tell us about your affiliation with Eye Candy Glam Studio.

Brittany: My mother is CEO, and I am the current COO.

What motivated you to start making hair tutorial videos?

Brittany: I just wanted to get outside feedback from an audience who did not know me, and use it as promo for my company. Plus, I always thought it would be fun to do because I love watching Youtube more than regular TV.

What sets you apart from others in your field?

Brittany: By being introduced to the field at an early age, I got a lot of hands-on training, which gave me extended time to perfect my craft and develop more. I also did my research and continue to stay up on the education of the hair selling world. It’s a whole other world behind the scenes that many don’t know about.

What’s your favorite part about being a hair store owner?

Brittany: Being able to provide a product of quality to my customers that makes them feel prettier.  Just putting a smile on someone’s face is priceless to me. You never know what someone is going through. The people I get to meet and the friendships and bonds is another aspect I like.

What challenges have been presented to you as you built your business?

Brittany: The Sleepless nights. Learning that everyone who says they will support you really will not. Nobody else will care or tend to your business as you will, and that your dream isn’t everyone’s around you. And that through Christ, I can truly do anything.

What advice would you give someone who is just entering this field?

Brittany: Don’t follow the trends, set them. Be true to yourself and take advice. Learn all you can about your services and the products you provide. God’s timing is everything.

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