May 1, 2024

PVM Magazine

Unlocking the Vault

In this photo Susan with Animal Hero Kids Crew members Khendall and Ian and their moms, Tara and Annette, outside of an Orlando slaughterhouse/wet market.

Animal Hero Kids ask “Stop Creating Pandemics, Cruelty & Climate Crisis”

”Animal Hero Kids Rock. The good news is we can all help animals in need”-Paul McCartney

Animal Hero Kids is asking for your help by signing their petition.

PVM spoke to Susan Hargreaves, author and founder of Animal Hero Kids about a timely 2021 initiative she launched. 

Tell us about your petition. 

Animal Hero Kids is a kindness education and youth empowerment charity I founded to promote compassionate action. Children and teens from around the world are speaking up for animals and the planet much more now, as evidenced by Greta and all of the “Animal Hero Kids Crew members,” they are determined to make a real difference. The youth of today have information at their fingertips, literally, and when they discover injustice, they do something about it. 

In the New Year of 2021 the Animal Hero Kids crew is asking consumers worldwide to prevent future pandemics, to stop animal cruelty and to counteract climate change by ceasing their funding of factory farming. 

Animal based agriculture is responsible for all of the aforementioned dire problems. 

Consumers have the buying power to make mega-changes. 

Why is this so important and timely? 

All of our lives are at risk, including other species our future and the planets’ future is at stake here all because of steak-pun intended. 

Doctor Neil Barnard states, “The coronavirus is an animal virus, introduced to the human population through animal markets. Similarly, influenza A viruses are bird viruses that came into contact with humans through poultry farming. Getting animals off our collective plate would go a long way toward preventing future pandemics, and would improve our health and our environment at the same time.” 

Fifty-six million acres of land are used to feed factory farmed animals, while only 4 million acres produce plants for human consumption. It takes 20 times less land to feed someone on a plant based diet than it does to feed meat eaters. 70% of the grain grown in the US is used to feed farmed animals. It takes 10lbs of grain to produce 1lb of meat.

Susan Hargreaves who has been helping all species of animals for 41 years.  

I have investigated stockyards and slaughterhouses and have seen extreme animal cruelty perpetrated every single time, ditto, with all of the undercover investigations in these hells for other animals. Anyone can see this by googling animal cruelty and cows, pigs….

Help the “Animal Hero Kids Voices for the Voiceless” book be gifted to every school library at

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