May 10, 2024

PVM Magazine

Unlocking the Vault

Interview With Truth Coach, Randy G. Howell Jr.

Randy G. Howell Jr. is a certified life coach who has been dubbed the Truth Coach and is currently serving as the official Truth Coach for the Madison County Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program. As a coach, his mission is to guide others in living in truth. 

Learn more about Randy G. Howell Jr. aka the Truth Coach in an interview below. 

Truth coaching is not just a career, it’s my purpose.

Randy G. Howell Jr.

Can you tell us a bit about your business?  

Randy: As a certified life coach, I have a practice that helps individuals to focus on their truth which deems the title Truth Coach. As my practice has grown over the years, I have come to realize with each client that life becomes better once the real truths are faced and life-changing decisions are implemented. I help people to find the root of the problem because people become so engulfed in the results of what is happening right now that they never think to explore the components leading up to that moment. This is where the SIMS Approach comes into the picture. 

It is now time to explore the Story, but through the eyes of the narrator, not anyone else. It is time to get your perspective out no matter how hard it is. This is important because many of us protect those around us while neglecting our true feelings and emotions. I have come to realize that if one person can face the past head-on, then change moving forward can be implemented, manifested, and then a new improved version will be shown to the world telling a new story. Many ask what is your niche market and I have one simple word, people.

What accomplishments are you the proudest of? 

Randy: My greatest accomplishments are, despite my many business ventures, still having the ability to be completely present as a husband and a father. Learning through trial and error how to compartmentalize my life–not to neglect my wife and kids, which are a big part of why I do what I do. As a truth coach, this stands out the most to me because I have seen how the rat race can ruin a perfectly good relationship. Learning how not to forget the importance of my ultimate commitment is my greatest accomplishment because it creates a level of support that gives me the confidence daily that I can conquer the world. 

I was told that my relationship would change with my girls as they got older because that is just what happens, and to feel as if I defeated the odds made me so proud of decisions I have made by ensuring that my girls always not only know but feel through my actions that they are two of my most prized possessions. And lastly, it is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day that you can forget to ensure your spouse knows just how special she is and by making a conscious effort to ensure she knows she is still number one. We have a relationship that, after 20 years, grows in positive intensity daily. Also, I have had the honor of being the official truth coach for the Madison County Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program.

Tell us about your journey of getting where you are today.  

Randy: Growing up in a strict religious family, I had many questions that were always circling within my psyche. As I became of age, I began to explore– making several mistakes along the way because my background sheltered me from the real world, but it was displayed to me as protection. Now, I am not saying the intention was not there, but to me, I always had the what if’s that haunted me. Being highly talented in so many areas, I always wondered what if they had just allowed me to do the things I was really passionate about instead of always telling me no. Now, this was a problem because I was allowing these what-ifs to not only negatively affect me, it was affecting my marriage and the way I was raising my kids. They did not deserve to suffer due to the mistakes or decisions others made. 

First, I had to understand that maybe they were really just doing what they thought was right because of their past and they were trying to stop me from going down the wrong path or maybe not. Either way, as an adult making my own decisions, I had to find another way because I found myself literally spinning in circles waiting on that moment that would make it all go away. It was not coming, so I had to make it go away by making decisions that were going to propel me and stop blaming and start changing the narrative. Don’t make my family suffer because I suffered, instead give them all the opportunities and excel with them, therefore, propelling me to another level. I know from experience the importance of standing in one’s truth and today I stand to help all that I come in contact with. Happiness can be right around the corner and it will come with some hard decisions, but it can truly make for a brighter future.

What makes you so unique? 

Randy: I truly believe the world can be healed one person at a time creating a domino effect because positivity breeds positivity. We only get one life and each individual would take the time to face their truth, and I mean without the influence of others, the world would be a better place. We would have less anger, anxiety, depression, abandonment issues, and all of the other toxic feelings that exist. Now, don’t get me wrong, no journey is going to be easy, but we as a people need to start making ourselves happy by creating a world of peace around oneself, therefore, illuminating a positivity that can’t be ignored and just might help the person standing next to you. 

What obstacles did you face and how did you overcome them?  

Randy: The biggest obstacle I have faced is self which is how the SIMS Approach was created. I was always blaming everyone and everything for my transgressions and never looking at self to see how I played a role in the narrative. I had to stop blaming my raising on how I am living now. I had to realize that there are other ways to move forward that do not involve past influence. Habits can be broken, methods that were embedded but do not work can be changed, and new paths can be created. 

I focused on my story and instead of continuing to point the finger at others, I started to point out how I was slowing myself down waiting on some sort of reprise or apology that was never going to happen. I had to let things, thoughts, and people go that were hindering my progress and be okay with creating the life that I feel I deserve without the guilt of going against the foundation that was set. I had to learn that not all mistakes are deliberate and it is okay to change the blueprint to fit your path. Now, those mistakes that were deliberate have to be dealt with as well because your personal freedom is imperative in order to seek total happiness and this all starts with your story.

Why are you called the Truth Coach?  

Randy: Since opening my practice, I realized that life starts to get better when the real truths are faced. Change is a factor that has to be implemented for growth to happen and by facing one’s truth, change will happen. Things, instances, and even people may have to be left behind for this growth to happen, and that is okay because the truth truly can set you free! And I stand by my motto: Don’t find comfort in the lies, instead, seek freedom in the truth.

What are your current goals? 

Randy: My current goals are to continue to grow my practice while releasing my first book in December/January, preparing for my first conference in Spring of 2022 along with the launching of my online educational platform. I’m making sure this is all possible with my family right by my side because if they are not a part of it, the accomplishments mean nothing. They deserve to be an active part of this amazing journey of changing the world for the better one person at a time. 

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? 

Randy: I see myself traveling the world spreading the SIMS Approach to many nations teaching the true importance of standing in one’s truth. I see my online University with a continuous full roster helping people all over the world while being a world-renowned author. Lastly, I see myself working with SIMS Approach certified truth coaches to help the world become a better place. 

What are your website and social media links?  


Instagram:  @truthcoachrandy

Facebook:  @truthcoachrandy

Twitter:       @truthcoachrandy

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