May 10, 2024

PVM Magazine

Unlocking the Vault

Photo credit: Warren Van Atta

Aquil Small: An Inside Look Into the Founder of ACA

Aquil Small is the founder of ACA. Based in Newark, NJ, the Essex County native company focuses on public relations, marketing, branding, and brand development. ACA represented and has represented acts such as George Clinton, De’ Aundre Bonds, and Nivea. Aquil has also worked with Wu-tang, Diplo, Desiigner, Joey Bas A$$, and Adidas. 

Learn more about Aquil Small in the interview below. 

Tell us about your business.

Aquil: To Start off ACA is an acronym that stands for “A” consulting agency or also “Aquil’s.” We are an agency that specializes in public relations, marketing, creativity, and brand and artist development. ACA has been in motion for a year and a half now. Our anniversary is actually coming up next month. My roster of clients range from upcoming to legendary artists, actors, models, companies, and public figures.

What or who inspired you to start your business?

Aquil: I was inspired to start my business after having two horrible experiences in the industry in the past. When I realized my worth, I said, “enough is enough, it’s time I start doing for myself,” and that’s exactly what I did. However, I was also inspired to start my business by three amazing entrepreneur moguls, Jazeria Allen-Lord, Sandrine Charles, and my former mentor Dessi Nitti. These three women have worked hard for everything they have and to witness some of them in the process and see everything come to fruition is absolutely beautiful. They all have told me to never give up. They don’t take any mess from anyone and laziness is not of their nature. I remember vividly Jazerai telling me to “never work for anyone who doesn’t respect you.” That stuck with me ever since, and I will always live by that.

How is your business different from others in your industry?

Aquil: My business is different from others in the industry because I don’t just focus on new acts. Folks in the biz aim for new upcoming talent, but I work with the legends of the game, people, and brands that have paved the way for me. Some of them may not be as active as when they were in the prime of their careers, but who’s to say they don’t need my services? After all, if it wasn’t for any of them, none of us would be able to do the stuff we do. In my culture, we tend to forget about them. My company respects and honors legends.

Aquil Small at Essence Red Carpet. Photo credit: Bahlial Lott

What challenges did you face on your journey to being an entrepreneur?

Aquil: I faced and still face a lot of challenges as I continue on my journey. Well, let’s start with racial discrimination, rejection, lies as I go through this journey of being an entrepreneur. But I haven’t and will never let it stop me. Working in the industry, especially in the PR world, they expect you to be perfect; looks, style, and the whole kaboom have to be of a high standard. Being dark-skinned and heavyweight is really not what they are looking for, to be honest. 

Some former mentors have told me I would never go far by how I look. I paid those things no mind. Yes, the presentation does matter, but I’m not going to have anyone judge me because I’m not rocking the latest Gucci sneakers. Judge me by my pitch, not my wardrobe. I lost a lot of friends along the journey. Some tried to use me just to get into industry events and be around some of their favorite celebs and influencers. I cut that off ASAP. I remember telling a friend that “this is business, not a prom.”

What’s your favorite part about being an entrepreneur?

Aquil: My favorite part of being an entrepreneur is being able to do what I love and there’s no explaining to anyone–just a discussion with the team. It’s really; wake up, thank God, and create.

What should everyone know about public relations?

Aquil: I’m actually thrilled to answer this question. Firstly, public relations is a luxury service. If there isn’t anything luxury about yourself or your brand, then it’s not for you. In public relations, a publicist is basically the first bodyguard. Yes, we are protectors believe it or not. We make sure the name and image of a person, brand, or company is never degraded or tarnished. If so, we have to go back into full R.A.C.E mode (RESEARCH, ACTION, COMMUNICATION, EVALUATION). There is absolutely nothing easy about this field. It looks cool and can be fun, but it’s serious–no joke at all. If an article is released on a client with the wrong information, you are responsible; even though you gave the editor the correct information, it all falls back on you.

Management doesn’t want to hear otherwise. If your client has a picture taken of him or her that was not of their approval and leads to a full misunderstanding, you have to get it cleaned up. There are no excuses, just get the job done. Most of this has to be done super fast. The longer you wait, the more crucial the situation becomes. The amount of time and strategic planning that has to go into a campaign can only be understood by those in the PR world. We spend countless hours and days arranging for the preparation and creative concepts to have a proper campaign. We send out over 20 emails daily and get probably only a few responses back. You can have the best pitch in the world, but if the publication or network feels it’s not the right time,  you can be out of luck.

Aquil Small and George Clinton. Photo credit: Hot97

What are some of your biggest goals?

Aquil: Some of my biggest goals have been building my company, transitioning to California, and having my first actor client De’Aundre Bonds. Besides him being my client, he’s actually one of my favorite actors. I was happy to be introduced to him by my brother Darryl Marrow, who recently left us this past October; may he rest in peace. Not to forget, also landed George Clinton an interview with Hot 97’s very own Peter Rosen Berg, Ebro, and Laura Stylez. That interview was one of the best placements I landed a client on and it was overall legendary. If you didn’t get the chance to check it out, I suggest you do. 

George Clinton was dropping gems about his life and the music business that most people don’t even know about. That day was lit because right when the interview was finished, we were headed out and Lil Kim was headed right in our direction. She came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. What a day. I got a client placed on one of the biggest radio stations on the east coast and met one of my favorite artists. And to top it off, a kiss on the cheek by the legendary Lil Kim. This is a moment I will always cherish.

How can everyone connect with you?

Aquil: You can connect with me on my social media. I’m in the process of having my website built so the best way to reach me is by going to my business Instagram at There you can find my email and phone number there.

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