May 20, 2024

PVM Magazine

Unlocking the Vault

We are Looking for YOUR STORY of Breast Cancer Survival in Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month 


World-renowned Celebrity Artist, Albina Zorina is known for her outstanding paintings of Angelina Jolie, Meryl Streep, Kathleen Cleaver, Al Pacino, and other A-listers.  In honor of her mother Vera who had breast cancer at 51-years old and is now breast cancer survivor, Albina has donated an Angelina Jolie painting to raise funds for a charity dear to her heart, The Tutu Project. The Tutu Project was founded by Linda Carey also a breast cancer survivor and her husband Bob Carey a photographer, who give rides to chemo patients, provide financial and emotional support to patients.  We are looking for YOUR STORY. Upload your inspiring story at  with a chance to have YOUR STORY featured in the powerhouse women’s magazine, Formidable Woman, many prizes will be given. The fundraiser will run from Sept. 22- Oct. 28, 2021. 

Linda Hansen, CEO of Fund Duel 

What makes for a successful campaign on Fund Duel?

Successful campaigns on Fund Duel use fun challenges, have numerous and committed team captains that are deeply and personally involved and share the campaign with their community. Furthermore, when a campaign leads up to a live or live-streamed event at the culmination of a 30-60 day duel, with a celebration of the content uploaded on their custom- built campaign page, there is the opportunity for donors to view themselves as they shared and gave. This is akin to the ALS Ice Bucket challenge. This is amplified with the support of engaged corporate and media partners.  Challenges such as the ice-bucket challenge (raised 115 million in 2.5 months) were successful because they engaged a wide community in a fun challenge that was humorous (funny content on social media is shared 25 times more than other content) and was shared through the vehicle of tagging to get others involved (what I call hain reaction marketing).  Team captains can be a diverse group of committed supporters for any organization. They galvanize their community of supporters through the common purpose of supporting the cause and winning prizes as Corporations love to have employees get involved in Fund Duels because they create unity and an ethos of working together for a greater good.

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Linda Carey of The Tutu Project

Linda, how has the pandemic affected your fundraising efforts? 

 “2020 and 2021 were challenging years, however people were generous with their donations.  Because of those donations we were able to release an immediate 15K when the stay at home was enforced to help those patients unable to work during the pandemic.  We continue to offer grants throughout the year.”

“This year has been a little slower, since our annual fundraiser, Dare Tutu on Sept. 15th which runs for Two Months, adds Carey.  That is why we are excited to join forces with Artist Albina Zorina and her team at Fund Duel to raise funds for October Breast Awareness Month on September 22 on Fun Duel, Be generous.”

Bob Carey of The Tutu Project

Tutu Project is also looking for Team Captains and Sponsors to join our cause. You can reach Linda Carey at The Tutu Project or Jules Lavallee, Press Contact 

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