Empowering Purpose: An Exclusive Interview with Sherri Hill, The Visionary Behind The Ego Agency

Sherri Hill

Where fame and fortune can often overshadow authenticity and purpose, Sherri Hill, affectionately known as Spiritual T.T., stands as a beacon of guidance and empowerment. As the driving force behind The Ego Agency, Sherri has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry, from Floyd Mayweather to Nicki Minaj, carving out a space where celebrity and purpose converge. But her influence doesn’t stop there. 

With a thriving production company, Chocolate Chiks Productions, currently working on an exciting Netflix documentary, and a monthly magazine, Honey Boss, that inspires and educates its readers, Sherri is a true mogul in every sense of the word.

Yet, what truly sets Sherri apart is her unwavering commitment to uplifting others. Through workshops, seminars, and her hands-on approach, she shares her wealth of experience with aspiring entrepreneurs and creatives, ensuring that the next generation has the tools and knowledge to succeed. In this exclusive interview, we delve into Sherri’s journey, her passion for empowerment, and how she continues to shape the future of the entertainment industry, one project at a time.

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Sherri, you have an extensive background in entertainment management and have worked with some high-profile celebrities. Can you tell us about your journey into this industry and how it all began?

It’s quite amusing as I have always had a knack for entertaining. My foray into the entertainment realm began at the age of 11. Standing out for my height, a chance encounter at a high-end department store led to an opportunity to model at just 12 years old. Despite offers to become an international model, my mother, concerned about the industry, steered me towards college. However, my passion for the entertainment field prevailed. Engaging in a girls’ singing group that even competed with Destiny’s Child, I eventually ventured into starting a management agency. 

Despite struggling financially initially with startups, I aimed for higher-profile clients. Interestingly, all my management opportunities arose through referrals. It all began with Farrah Abrahams from MTV’s Teen Moms, leading me to become the COO of an indie label and collaborate with prominent brands such as TI, Lil John, and many others. As fate would have it, I began managing Latavia Robinson of Destiny’s Child.

What inspired you to establish The Ego Agency, and what is the core mission behind it?

I started the Ego Agency because I had so much experience and wanted to find a way to share it with striving entrepreneurs. I also learned that our ego gets in our way, but there is a flip side of the ego as well. If managed correctly, it allows you to experience God’s opportunities. So, your ego can etch God out–both acronyms for Ego. We represent both celebrities and those working their way up. We set our clients up for success. I love helping others.

You have worked with a diverse range of celebrities, including Floyd Mayweather and Nicki Minaj. How do you tailor your approach to suit the unique needs of each client?

My relationship with Floyd and Minaj came through my streaming TV network. We actually had the rights to Floyd’s fight in Japan. We signed a deal with Live Nation to stream some of their major clients’ concerts like Nicki Minaj. The EOD Channel was designed to bring live entertainment to the world of streaming TV. The lack of funds killed this dream, but it was still an amazing experience. 

What are some of the most rewarding experiences you’ve had while managing and consulting for celebrities and public figures?

I’ve had some amazing experiences, I’ve been on set with major producers of Netflix, MTV major record labels, and more. I’ve had so many amazing moments that I can’t keep up. My life has been filled with exciting moments. I get a kick out of helping others. 

Tell us about Chocolate Chiks Productions and the Netflix documentary you’re currently working on. What can audiences expect from it?

I started Chocolate Chiks about 10 years ago, my first name was Coco Child Productions– a childhood name, that was derived from my productions as a child. I have been producing reality shows for several years now. We are currently working on a documentary, hoping to sell it to Netflix. 

At this time, we are not exposing the name or the nature of the film, but let’s just say, the subject is going to start some trouble, This is probably the most powerful project of my life.

Honey Boss Magazine has been receiving significant attention. 

Honey Boss Magazine has gained a lot of attention. What inspired you to start this publication, and what sets it apart from other magazines?

Honey Boss is my third magazine, launched in April 2024. The inspiration behind it stemmed from observing the emergence of the pay-to-play model while exploring opportunities for my clients, which posed challenges for the average entrepreneur. 

My aim was to establish a platform that not only supports women but also provides a nurturing environment. From renowned figures to startups, we showcase and uplift all female entrepreneurs. We believe every bold entrepreneur deserves recognition and applause.

You’re known for hosting workshops and seminars aimed at empowering aspiring entrepreneurs and creatives. What motivates you to share your knowledge and experience with others?

Amidst the challenges of COVID-19, I embarked on a healing journey that led me to profound self-discoveries about self-sabotage and patterns in my life. These revelations inspired me to eliminate barriers and recurring behaviors. 

I was compelled to share this insight with entrepreneurs as a crucial step towards ensuring success. I advocate a philosophy called “Mind Your Business,” emphasizing the significance of mental readiness before any endeavor. Without mastering our minds, victory remains elusive. Our mindset is pivotal. 

What key lessons or principles do you emphasize in your workshops to help attendees succeed in their careers?

A fundamental aspect I focus on is recognizing how our past traumas influence our relationships and achievements. It is crucial to adapt and remain open to life’s unfolding events. Often, our challenges are mere illusions created in our minds. By addressing and dispelling these false beliefs, we witness remarkable transformations in our lives.

How do you balance your various roles and responsibilities, from managing The Ego Agency to running Chocolate Chiks Productions and Honey Boss Magazine?

Whew, this is an excellent question and it posed a huge problem for me initially. I was working far too many hours and was not balancing my life with self-care. It started to take a serious toll on my physical and mental state. But when you don’t listen, your body will respond in a negative way. I take more time to pray, meditate, stretch, and spend time in nature. 

The beach is my soft spot. It recharges me in ways I can’t explain, so I’ve learned to incorporate more me time, even something as simple as a bubble bath, which by the way, is one of my favorite things to do. It can recharge you and fill you back up with much-needed energy. 

What do you consider to be your biggest achievement to date, and what are your future goals for your career and your businesses?

I’m sure most of you are waiting on me to call out a celebrity but no, my biggest achievement thus far is my ability to heal the pain away. I have always been smart and bold, but I didn’t really believe it would happen to me and because of that, I continued to sabotage the opportunities coming my way. 

Healing those traumas has allowed me to be free and able to create and manifest the outcomes I truly desire, not the ones that used to haunt me. By doing this healing, I discovered the greatest love of all, self-love. This is the peace that surpasses all understanding.  As you fall in love with yourself, the relationship with the higher power is also strengthened, and having a strong bond with faith, and with protection–I call him God, and that is my biggest achievement.

What advice would you give to someone looking to enter the entertainment management industry today?

Hold on tight, have tough skin, and make sure your passion is helping others. It takes a lot to manage adults. It’s not an easy task, but with the right attitude, you can do it. Build a network of contacts–I mean people who do it all. You never know who can open a door for you or a client. My strength in managing came through the vast amount of connections I had in the industry. I had built a Rolodex of some pretty powerful individuals. That helped a lot. 

What upcoming projects or initiatives are you most excited about, and how can our readers stay updated on your work?

I think at this point, I am most excited about my upcoming documentary. It is based on a very controversial subject, one that is not often tapped into, in the way that we have done with this upcoming docuseries. I’ve been producing and doing reality TV for some time now, but this I believe is my golden egg. I would love to come back and share more when the promotions begin. I can be found online at www.theegoagency.com and at www.honeybossmagazine.com

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