Building Bridges Over Brunch: How Lillian Jackson is Creating Community and Empowerment for Women of Color

Lillian Jackson

Lillian Jackson saw an opportunity to bring women of color together in a way that was both uplifting and empowering. Alongside her childhood friend Melissa Mason, Lillian co-founded Brown Skin Brunchin’ in 2018 with a simple yet profound goal: to foster a supportive community through the universal language of brunch.

What began as a local gathering among friends has blossomed into a national movement, with over 100 chapters spanning cities from Toronto to Grenada. But Brown Skin Brunchin’ is more than just a series of social events—it’s a powerful platform for women of color to connect, share their experiences, and build the networks that will support their personal and professional growth.

In this exclusive interview with PVM Magazine, Lillian Jackson opens up about her journey from feeling isolated in a new city to becoming a catalyst for change, creating spaces where women of color are seen, heard, and valued. 

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Can you share the story behind the inception of Brown Skin Brunchin’? What inspired you and Melissa to start this initiative in 2018?

Melissa and I have been friends since childhood. We grew up together sharing secrets, dreams, and laughter. That bond was like nothing else. When life took us on different paths, moving to different cities for new opportunities, we realized how much we missed that sense of sisterhood, that instant connection.

I remember moving to Las Vegas for a new job and feeling so isolated. It’s a big city, full of energy, but I was craving that familiar feeling of belonging. I started going to brunch spots and noticed other women of color looking around like I was, searching for that same connection.

That’s when the idea for Brown Skin Brunchin’ started to take shape. We wanted to create a space where women like us could come together, share experiences, support each other, and build lasting friendships. It was about recreating that magic we had as kids, but on a much larger scale.

How did your personal experiences, particularly feeling isolated in a new city, influence the mission and vision of Brown Skin Brunchin’?

My experience of feeling isolated in a new city was a major catalyst for Brown Skin Brunchin’. It made me realize how important it is to have a strong support system, especially when you’re navigating new territory. I wanted to create a community where women wouldn’t have to feel alone.

The mission of Brown Skin Brunchin’ is rooted in that desire for connection. We want to provide a space where women can find support, friendship, and inspiration. Our vision is to build a national network of empowered women who uplift each other and create positive change in their communities.

Brown Skin Brunchin’ has grown into a national movement with chapters in over 100 cities. Did you ever envision this level of expansion when you first started?

Honestly, when Melissa and I started Brown Skin Brunchin’, we were just hoping to create a small, supportive group of women in our respective cities. We wanted to replicate the feeling of our childhood friendship on a larger scale.

The idea of expanding to over 90+ cities was beyond our wildest dreams. It’s been an incredible journey to watch our vision grow and evolve. The overwhelming response from women across the country has been both humbling and inspiring. It’s a testament to the power of sisterhood and the need for communities like ours.

How do you ensure that the mission of fostering community and support among women of color is upheld across all these chapters?

Maintaining our core mission across all chapters is absolutely essential to us. It’s about creating a consistent experience for our members, no matter where they are.

We achieve this through a combination of strong leadership, open communication, and shared values. We provide comprehensive training and resources to our chapter leaders, equipping them with the tools to foster a supportive and inclusive community. Regular check-ins, virtual meetings, and in-person conferences allow us to share best practices and address any challenges.

Additionally, we encourage a strong sense of ownership among our members. They are the heart of our organization, and their input is invaluable. By involving them in decision-making processes and creating opportunities for them to contribute, we ensure that our mission remains at the forefront of everything we do.

How do you create an environment at your brunch gatherings that fosters connectivity, camaraderie, and collaboration among women of color?

Creating a space where women can truly connect, laugh, and support each other is at the core of our brunches. We want it to feel like a warm embrace, a place where everyone feels seen and heard.

We achieve this by fostering an atmosphere of inclusivity and respect. From the moment women walk in, we want them to feel welcomed and valued. We encourage open and honest conversations, creating a safe space for women to share their experiences and challenges.

Beyond that, we incorporate icebreaker activities to help women connect on a personal level. Sharing stories, laughter, and even a few tears can build strong bonds quickly. We also prioritize networking opportunities, providing platforms for women to share their passions, businesses, or career goals.

Ultimately, it’s about creating a sense of sisterhood, where women can uplift and inspire each other. The delicious food and flowing mimosas are just the cherry on top. 

Brown Skin Brunchin’ is not just about social gatherings but also about building supportive networks. How do you facilitate meaningful connections and support among your members?

Brown Skin Brunchin’ is more than just a brunch; it’s a platform for building lasting connections and a strong support system. We facilitate meaningful connections by creating opportunities for women to share their experiences, challenges, and aspirations.  

Our brunches are designed to be more than just social gatherings. We incorporate icebreakers and structured activities to encourage deeper conversations. We also organize workshops and panel discussions on topics relevant to our members’ lives, such as career development, financial literacy, and mental health

Beyond brunch, we leverage technology to maintain connections. Our online platforms provide a space for members to network, share resources, and offer support to one another. We also encourage mentorship and peer support initiatives within our community to foster long-term relationships.

What are your future goals for Brown Skin Brunchin’? Are there any new initiatives or expansions on the horizon?

As we look to the future of Brown Skin Brunchin’, our primary goal is to continue building a strong and supportive community for women of color, while expanding our reach and impact. We’ve grown so much since our inception, but there’s still so much more we can do to uplift and empower our members. 

One of our main goals is to bring Brown Skin Brunchin’ to even more cities, both in the U.S. and internationally. We want to ensure that women of color everywhere have access to the kind of support, camaraderie, and connection that we provide. Whether it’s through physical brunches or virtual events, we aim to create more opportunities for women to join our community, no matter where they are.

What advice would you give to other women of color looking to start their own community-focused initiatives?

Starting a community-focused initiative can be incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with its challenges. My advice to other women of color looking to embark on this journey is:

Find your passion: Identify what truly drives you and what problem you want to solve. A strong passion will fuel your determination.

Build a strong foundation: Surround yourself with supportive people who share your vision. A solid team can make all the difference.

Listen to your community: Understand the needs and desires of the people you want to serve. Their input is invaluable.

Be resilient: There will be setbacks and obstacles. Stay focused on your goals and don’t give up.

Embrace collaboration: Partner with other organizations and individuals to amplify your impact.

Celebrate small wins: Acknowledge and appreciate your accomplishments along the way. It will keep you motivated.

Remember, every step forward is a step in the right direction. Don’t be afraid to start small and dream big. The impact you can make on your community is immeasurable.

Your dedication to creating spaces where women of color feel seen, heard, and valued is truly impactful. How has this journey shaped you personally and professionally?

This journey has been incredibly transformative, both personally and professionally. On a personal level, it’s deepened my understanding of the power of community and the importance of sisterhood. Seeing the impact we’ve had on women’s lives has been incredibly fulfilling. It’s solidified my belief in the strength and resilience of women of color.

Professionally, Brown Skin Brunchin’ has challenged me to step outside of my comfort zone and become a leader. I’ve learned so much about building a brand, managing a team, and navigating the business world. It’s also given me a platform to advocate for issues important to women of color, which is something I’m incredibly passionate about.

Most importantly, this journey has ignited a fire within me to continue creating spaces where women feel empowered and supported. It’s become more than just a business; it’s a mission.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of co-founding and growing Brown Skin Brunchin’?

Without a doubt, the most rewarding aspect of co-founding and growing Brown Skin Brunchin’ has been witnessing the impact we’ve had on women’s lives. Seeing the friendships formed, the support networks built, and the personal and professional growth of our members is incredibly fulfilling.

It’s heartwarming to hear stories about women finding their voices, overcoming challenges, and achieving their goals because of the connections they made through our community. Knowing that we’ve created a space where women feel empowered, supported, and celebrated is truly a dream come true.

How can our readers get involved with Brown Skin Brunchin’, either by joining a local chapter or supporting your mission in other ways?

We welcome women of color to join the Brown Skin Brunchin’ community. To get involved, simply visit our website, There, you can find information about local chapters, upcoming events, and ways to connect with us.

If there’s no chapter in your area, we encourage you to start your own. We offer resources and support to help you build a thriving community.

Beyond joining a chapter, there are many ways to support our mission. You can follow us on social media, share our story with your network, or consider becoming a sponsor or partner. Every bit of support helps us continue to empower women of color.

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