Breaking Barriers and Inspiring Wanderlust: An Interview with Yulia Saf, Founder of

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The trailblazing Yulia Saf, is a globe-trotting entrepreneur who has turned her love for travel into a thriving business. As the founder of, Yulia has visited over 70 countries, inspiring over 400,000 monthly visitors with her expert travel tips and insights. Her journey isn’t just about beautiful destinations, though—it’s about breaking barriers. From mastering remote work before it was mainstream to leading a global team, Yulia’s story is one of passion, resilience, and innovation. 

In an interview with PVM Magazine, we discuss her fascinating experiences, the challenges she’s overcome, and her mission to inspire others to chase their dreams and embrace the world.

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Your passion for travel turned into a thriving platform, Can you share the inspiration behind starting it and how your journey has evolved over the past 8 years?

The inspiration behind starting my platform was my insatiable curiosity for exploring new cultures, places, and experiences. I found that travel was not just about sightseeing, but about transformative life experiences that educate and inspire. I wanted to create a resource to help others travel smarter and find joy in their journeys, just as I did mine.

My journey has significantly evolved over the past 8 years—from a personal blog to a comprehensive guide helping over 400,000 people per month. Initially, it was just me sharing my stories and tips. Over time, as the audience grew, my responsibility to provide accurate and helpful information did too. The platform now is a testament to the power of passion and dedication and how they can turn into a professional endeavor.

You’ve visited over 70 countries! What were some of the most transformative travel experiences that helped shape both your personal life and your business?

Travel has always been much more than just seeing new places and checking countries off a list; it’s been a profound journey of personal and professional growth for me. Reflecting on the transformative travel experiences, there are several that stand out as pivotal moments in my life and in shaping my business.

One of the most profound experiences was my first solo trip to Southeast Asia. It not only pushed me out of my comfort zone but also showed me the depth of human connection despite cultural differences. This trip was significant in emphasizing the value of independence, adaptability, and the power of empathy – qualities that became cornerstones in my approach to both life and business.

Another transformative travel experience was when I visited remote parts of South America, experiencing off-the-beaten-path destinations. These travels taught me a great deal about sustainability and the impact of tourism on local communities. It’s been a crucial factor in how approaches travel content – with respect to the environment and local cultures, and advocating responsible travel practices.

Starting and growing my family while managing my business was a challenge I embraced wholeheartedly. Traveling with my husband and son has given me a fresh perspective on the art of balancing professionalism with personal life. It has in turn allowed me to connect with my audience on a deeper level, as I share not just travel tips, but also advice on how to navigate family life while on the move.

Incorporating technology into my travels has also been hugely influential. It has streamlined not just my personal travels but also the operational side of my business. From harnessing the power of social media to building a remote-first work culture, technology has been central in scaling my business and staying connected with my audience and team from anywhere in the world.

The experience of building a global remote team while traveling has been invaluable. It has given me insight into different work cultures and taught me the importance of diversity and inclusiveness. This has been instrumental in creating a resilient and dynamic business model for, one that embraces varied perspectives and expertise.

Each destination has contributed a unique lesson that I’ve carried forward, and these lessons continue to shape my approach towards personal growth, leadership, motherhood, and entrepreneurship. Travel has allowed me not just to witness the world, but to bring a world of experiences into everything I do.

You were ahead of the curve, leading a global team remotely long before it became mainstream. What were some of the challenges you faced in building a remote work culture, and how did you overcome them?

Communication was one of the most significant hurdles. With team members scattered across different time zones and cultures, establishing a cohesive and efficient communication system was crucial. We overcame this by setting core hours where everyone would be online, regardless of their location, ensuring a time for real-time collaboration. We utilized tools like Slack for instant messaging and Zoom for video conferencing to maintain a personal connection that can be lost in remote settings.

Another challenge was fostering a sense of team unity and shared company culture. To address this, I prioritized virtual team-building activities and made sure to celebrate our diverse cultural backgrounds, which not only enhanced our work but also enriched our understanding of our global audience.

Maintaining productivity and morale was also key. We implemented a results-oriented work environment where the focus was on the quality of work delivered rather than the hours logged. I trust my team to manage their own schedules, which has empowered them to perform their best while maintaining work-life balance, something critical for me personally as well.

Lastly, promoting personal growth and development remotely required a different approach. We set up regular one-on-one virtual meetings to discuss professional goals and progress, and I made sure resources for learning and development were readily available.

Adjusting to remote work wasn’t just about new tools and techniques; it was about a shift in mindset. It took open-mindedness, flexibility, and a strong leadership commitment to build a successful remote culture. As someone who has been a digital nomad myself, integrating my personal experiences into managing my team made the journey smoother for everyone involved.

How do you maintain productivity and strong communication across a team spread out across the globe? Are there any particular tools or strategies that have been indispensable?

Maintaining productivity and strong communication across my globally spread team has been a journey of continuous learning and adaptation. Here are the key strategies and tools that have been indispensable in managing my remote team.

Set Clear Expectations: From the outset, I make it clear what the goals are, what’s expected from each team member, and the standards of work I’m looking for. This helps in keeping everyone aligned and focused.

Structured Communication: We use Slack for day-to-day communication. It allows us to have instant chat, share files, and keep conversations organized with different channels for each aspect of the business.

Regular Video Meetings: We have weekly team meetings on Zoom, which I find essential for face-to-face interaction. These meetings help everyone to connect on a more personal level, which is so important when you can’t be in the same physical space.

Asynchronous Workflows: Since we’re spread across different time zones, we’ve embraced asynchronous communication. Tools like Trello for task management and Google Docs for sharing and collaboratively editing documents have been vital for this.

Time Zone Management: We’ve needed to be considerate of each other’s time zones. For coordination, we use a tool called World Time Buddy to schedule meetings in a manner that’s reasonable for all involved.

Cross-Cultural Understanding: Given our diverse cultural backgrounds, I stress the importance of being culturally sensitive and understanding. This is crucial for us to communicate effectively and to maintain a harmonious work environment.

Encouraging Self-management: With remote work, it’s essential for team members to be self-starters. We have regular check-ins, but I trust my team to manage their time effectively, which they appreciate and respond well to.

Building a Team Culture: Despite being remote, we cultivate our team culture through virtual hangouts and by celebrating achievements and personal milestones. This helps in creating a sense of belonging and community.

Personal Development: I encourage my team to grow their skills and offer opportunities for professional development. This approach benefits both the individual and the company, and it keeps everyone motivated and engaged.

Feedback Loops: Creating an environment where feedback is welcomed and acted upon has been crucial. This includes regular one-on-one sessions to discuss any issues or areas for improvement.

While tools and strategies are necessary, at the core of it all is trust and empowerment. By trusting my team and giving them the autonomy to work in a way that suits them best, we’ve achieved tremendous success while spreading across the globe. It’s this combination of structure, empathy, and technology that enables us to maintain productivity and strong communication.

You’ve become fluent in five languages and broken down linguistic barriers that often deter people from traveling or working abroad. What advice would you give to others trying to overcome language and cultural differences?

Overcoming language and cultural differences is an essential part of not just traveling or working internationally, but also of personal growth and success in today’s interconnected world. Here’s my advice to those aiming to bridge these gaps:

Embrace a Learner’s Mindset: Approach each new language and culture as a fascinating puzzle waiting to be solved. Remain curious and open-minded, understanding that proficiency won’t happen overnight. It’s a profound journey of continuous learning and adaptation.

Immerse Yourself Fully: The best way to learn a language and culture is through total immersion. If you can, spend time living in the country where the language is spoken, engage with the local community, watch movies, listen to music, and participate in cultural practices.

Use Technology to Your Advantage: We live in an era where technology can greatly aid in learning languages. Use apps, online courses, and language exchange meetups to practice regularly. As a travel blogger, I’ve often found incredibly valuable resources online that have helped me hone my language skills.

Stay Consistent and Persistent: Learning a new language and understanding a culture requires dedication and time. Set daily or weekly goals to practice and study. Don’t be deterred by setbacks; they are a natural part of the learning process.

Build Genuine Relationships: Try to make friends with native speakers. This can be crucial not only in practicing the language but also in understanding the nuances of the culture. It transforms learning from an abstract endeavor into a series of meaningful interactions.

Respect and Value Differences: Recognise that differences in cultures are what make the world such a rich tapestry. Respect these differences and try to view them as learning opportunities rather than obstacles.

Practice Cultural Empathy: Put yourself in the shoes of people from the culture you’re learning about. Why do they do things the way they do? Cultivate empathy, as this will help you connect with people on a deeper level.

Don’t Fear Mistakes: Fear of making mistakes can paralyze you and impede your language learning. Embrace errors as a natural part of the learning process. Remember, people often appreciate the effort, even if it’s not perfect.

Reflect on Your Experiences: Take time to reflect on your encounters with different cultures and languages. What did you learn? What would you do differently? Reflection helps internalize your experiences and grow from them.

Share Your Experiences: Finally, sharing with others not only reinforces what you’ve learned but can also inspire and encourage others to embark on a similar journey.

Breaking down linguistic and cultural barriers is not just about personal or professional advantage; it’s about building connections, fostering understanding, and enriching your life with the diversity of the world. As someone who not only manages a successful travel platform but also juggles family life and remote work, I can vouch for the incredibly rewarding journey that embracing multiple languages and cultures offers.

Balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship is no small feat. How have you managed to shatter stereotypes in this regard, and what lessons can others take from your experience?

Balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship has indeed been one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences of my life. As someone who has always been deeply passionate about both my family and career, I knew that I wanted to find a way to excel in both without having to sacrifice one for the other.

One of the ways I’ve managed to shatter stereotypes is by being a fervent proponent of remote work and digital entrepreneurship. Long before my son was born, I had cultivated a work culture within my team at that valued flexibility and productivity, regardless of physical location. This foundation made the transition into motherhood much smoother, as my business was already operating in a way that could accommodate the unpredictable nature of parenting.

From my experience, the key lessons others can take are:

Embrace Flexibility: Being an entrepreneur means you can often set your schedule. I took advantage of this by creating a work routine that aligns with my child’s routine, ensuring that I can be present for both my family and my business.

Set Boundaries: Even with a flexible schedule, it’s crucial to set boundaries. I communicate openly with my team about when I am and am not available, and I am intentional about carving out dedicated time for both work and family.

Leverage Technology: With advancements in technology and communication tools, leading a remote team and staying connected with my audience has been seamless. This has been instrumental in managing my dual role as a mother and CEO.

Prioritize and Delegate: I’ve learned the art of prioritizing tasks and delegating responsibilities to others. This not only empowers my team but also ensures that I’m focusing on the most impactful aspects of my business and personal life.

Build a Supportive Network: Having a supportive network, including my husband’s involvement in the business, has been invaluable. Sharing responsibilities and having people you can rely on helps maintain balance.

Never Stop Learning: As a mother and entrepreneur, I am constantly learning and adapting. Whether it’s about parenting, managing a team, or the latest travel trends, being open to new information keeps me at the top of my game.

Stay True to Your Passion: My love for travel and helping others explore the world drives me every day. By staying true to my values and passions, I’ve found personal fulfillment, which spills over into my professional success.

Ultimately, my journey has shown that it’s possible to be both a dedicated mother and a successful entrepreneur. It requires diligent planning, a commitment to flexibility, and a belief in the power of chasing your dreams, no matter the complexities that come with it.

What personal or professional barriers did you have to break to get to where you are today? Can you share one of the biggest challenges you’ve faced and how you’ve navigated it?

Over the course of my career, I’ve faced numerous personal and professional challenges, but one of the biggest ones was definitely establishing a work-life balance after becoming a mother early last year. Balancing the intensities of entrepreneurship with the responsibilities of motherhood demanded a paradigm shift in how I manage time and set priorities.

Before my son was born, my work was my primary focus. I dedicated long hours to growing and networking within the travel community. However, with the arrival of my son, I had to recalibrate this focus, and that came with its sets of challenges and learning curves.

One of the crucial strategies I used to navigate this challenge was to stringently prioritize my tasks and delegate more. I embraced the power of saying ‘no’ to activities and commitments that were not critical to my personal goals or the growth of my business. This newfound selectiveness enabled me to dedicate quality time to both my family and my work without compromising on either.

Additionally, I leveraged my expertise in remote work to fine-tune the flexibility of my schedule. By establishing clear communication channels and expectations with my team, I could carve out uninterrupted family time while ensuring my business stayed on track. I also automated and outsourced tasks where possible, using technology to maintain efficiency.

Another pivotal move was involving my husband in the business full-time by 2024. This gave us the unique opportunity to share workloads, blend our skill sets, and support one another’s professional and personal endeavors more seamlessly. It also meant our values around family and work were synergized, creating a more holistic environment for both growth and parenting.

Ultimately, it’s been a journey about making intentional choices and setting up systems that allow for fluidity between the roles I cherish the most: being a leader, a traveler, a wife, and a mother. It hasn’t been easy, but it’s been incredibly rewarding to show that it is possible to pursue your dreams and build a prosperous business while raising a family.

Your journey has inspired hundreds of thousands to explore the world and live life on their own terms. How do you hope to continue inspiring others through your work and personal story?

On the path I’ve taken so far, I’m deeply humbled by the idea that my personal and professional journeys have become a source of inspiration for many. My vision has always been not just about exploring the world, but about doing so in a way that honors one’s own values and goals. I hope to continue inspiring others through my work by sharing not only the highlights but also the challenges and the real, raw moments that come with a life of travel and entrepreneurship.

For those who dream of becoming digital nomads or starting a travel-based business, what’s the biggest piece of advice you’d offer them as they take the leap?

For those who dream of joining the digital nomad lifestyle or starting a travel-based business, my biggest piece of advice is to cultivate resilience. It’s a thrilling venture, but it’s not all picturesque landscapes and smooth sailings—there will be setbacks, and your ability to adapt and persevere will be your greatest asset. Start with a solid plan, but be prepared to pivot and learn as you go. Embrace the local cultures, network within nomad communities, and keep your business operations flexible.

What does the future hold for Yulia Saf and Are there any upcoming projects or goals you’re particularly excited about?

As for the future of, there are several exciting projects on the horizon. Our focus is expanding into offering more localized content by working with native writers, which will provide an even richer perspective for our readers. Additionally, we’re ramping up our efforts to create interactive and immersive travel guides, incorporating augmented reality elements to enhance the planning experience.

I’ve recently become a mother, and this has opened up a whole new world for me. I am particularly excited about incorporating family travel into our content, opening up avenues for parents who, just like us, do not want to give up their passion for travel. The possibility of charting this new terrain, both in life and on, is thrilling, and I can’t wait to share this journey with our audience.

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